2016年1月7日 星期四
知名超頻玩家 Hicookie在2016年CES 技嘉超頻直播秀 創下2 Core wrpime世界紀錄
2016年CES消費性電子展正在美國拉斯維加斯如火如荼進行中,本次技嘉於Bally’s Las Vegas Hotel & Casino的Pacific宴會廳展示包括X170/X150系列工作站等級主機板及搭載Intel第6代Core處理器的Brix超微型電腦等眾多突破性的產品,更展示最新的IPC工業電腦與IoT物聯網解決方案。
豪無意外地,HiCookie一出手就是世界級的演出,在第一場的直播秀中,以Intel Core i3 6300處理器創下雙核心處理器的wPrime 32m及 1024m雙料世界紀錄。當然,他搭配的是技嘉最棒的超頻主機板之一--Z170X-SOC Force LN2。
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Best Toaster Oven
Here, we have a tendency to progressing to abused Best kitchen appliance 2016. we have a tendency to perpetually wished Best kitchen appliance among our room. Toaster ovens ar vital equipment’s of the room. Toaster ovens is also nice accession in your room and supply you straightforward thanks to cook an excellent style of foods. Toaster ovens ar advantageous saving time, energy and assist to cook tasty foods for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks too. currently toaster ovens ar higher than microwaves and might offer real worth to the room for quicker reheating and browning. kitchen appliance isn't pricey you'll be able to dig cheaply . There ar numerous forms of best kitchen appliance. each kitchen appliance has its own best options and facility. kitchen appliance is that the necessary change of state device of each home.
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Best Toaster Oven